本文提出一国持有的国际储备量并非越多越好 ,国际储备数量过多会造成资源的浪费 ;而过少又会使一国资源配置扭曲以及增加国际贸易和金融活动中的风险。因此 ,国际储备的供应及其增长率应能满足经济增长和维持国际收支平衡需要 ,达到合理利用国内外资源 ,使持有储备资产的成本和收益相等。文中在探讨了适度国际储备量确定范围的基础上 。
The thesis has put forward that it is not the necessary case that the more reserves one country holds,the better it is,for the excessive reserves can result in the waste of resource,otherwise,it can lead to the risk of financial activities.Therefore,the supply of the international reseves should meet the needs of the economy growth and should maintain the balance of International Payment so as to make reasonable use of the domestic resourec and make meet ends of the reserve assets.With the research on the decisive factors about the suitable international reserves and in combination with the Chinese condition,the paper has conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics