
基于模糊PID的线控转向系统路感控制研究 被引量:4

Fuzzy PID Based Controller of Road Feeling for Steer-by-wire System
摘要 线控转向系统由于取消了方向盘与转向轮之间的机械连接,所以路感必须模拟产生。本文中建立了方向盘模块和机械式转向系统回正力矩的动力学模型,针对传统转向系统转向器传动比固定的缺陷,设计了基于变传动比的路感控制策略。低速时采用小传动比,实现转向灵敏,高速时采用大传动比,实现转向稳定。并且根据驾驶员对理想路感的需求,进行路感修正,推导出具体的路感修正公式。仿真结果表明:该路感控制策略能发挥线控转向系统的优势,充分满足汽车行驶时的低速转向灵敏和高速转向稳定。在此基础上,通过模糊PID控制器对路感模拟电机进行了实时控制。 For the steer-by-wire system, the road feeling should be produced by simulation because there is no mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front wheels. The dynamics model of steering wheel module and the aligning torque model of the mechanical steering system were established. According to the disadvantages of the fixed ratio in traditional steering system, a control strategy of road feeling based on variable transmission ratio was proposed. Small transmission ratio was used at the low speed in order to realize sensitive steering. Big transmission ratio was used at the high speed in order to realize stable steering. At the same time, modification of the road feeling was carried out according to the ideal road feeling expected by the driver, and the modification formula of the road feeling was derived finally. The simulation results showed that the road feeling control strategy could make good use of steer-by-wire system and satisfy the steering sensitivity at low speed and the steering stability at high speed. Fuzzy Proportion Integration Differentiation (PID) controller was designed to real-timely control the road feeling simulating motor
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期919-923,共5页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 江苏省高校自然科学基金项目(05KJD580049)资助
关键词 线控转向系统 路感 变传动比 路感修正 模糊PID控制 steer-by-wire system road feeling variable transmission ratio modification of road feeling fuzzy PID controller
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