
右旋美托咪啶预防小儿腹腔镜手术苏醒期躁动的研究 被引量:9

The study of dexmedemidine for plaphylasis the emergence agitation in the recovery period after pediatric laparoscopic surgery
摘要 目的观察右旋美托咪啶预防全麻下小儿腹腔镜鞘状突高位结扎术和疝修补术后躁动的效果。方法将30例腹腔镜下鞘状突高位结扎和疝修补术患儿随机分为对照组和观察组,每组15例。对照组于麻醉后手术前10min静脉泵注生理盐水20ml;观察组于同样时间点泵注右旋美托咪啶1μg/kg和生理盐水稀释液20ml。记录两组麻醉时间、手术时间、术后拔管时间和停留恢复室时间;麻醉前和苏醒期最大躁动评分和围手术期心率变化。结果两组患儿麻醉时间、手术时间、术后拔管时间和停留PACU时间和术前躁动评分无统计学差异(P>0.05);观察组的术后躁动评分和躁动发生率低于对照组(P<0.05);两组围手术期无心动过缓发生。结论 1μg/kg的右旋美托咪啶可以降低小儿腹腔镜手术术后躁动的发生率,且无心动过缓副作用发生。 Objective To investigate the effect of dexmedetomidine on emergence agitation in chil- dren receiving Laparoscopic vaginal process high ligation and herniorrhaphy. Methods Thirty patients receiving laparoscopic surgery procedure were randomly divided into Group Ⅰ (administration 20 ml mormal saline 10 rain before the operation), Group Ⅱ (administration 20 ml normal saline and dexmcdetomidine 1 μg/kg 10 min before the operation). Time of anaesthesia, time of operation, time of extubation and time stayed in postanesthetic care unit (PACU) after operation were recored, scores of emergence agitation scale were obtained before anaesthesia and immediately after entrance into PACU, and the prevalences of brady- cardio during oreration and anaesthesia procedure were observed. Results There was no significant difference in time of anaesthesia, time of operation, time of extubation and time stayed in PACU and scores for emergence agitation before anaesthesia (P〉0.05). There were significantly difference in scores of emergence agitation after entrance into PACU in Ⅱ Group, compared with I Group (P〈0.05). The rate of emergence agitation were significantly lower in Group Ⅱ than that of Ⅰ Group (P〈0.05). Conclusion The use of dexmedetomidine can decrease the severity of emergence agitation in children receiving laparoscopic surgery, and there were no adverse effect in hemodynamics.
出处 《中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版)》 2012年第3期62-64,共3页 Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition)
关键词 右旋美托咪啶 小儿 腹腔镜 躁动 Dexmedemidine Pediatric Laparoscopic Emergence agitation
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