
PTEN基因及其在甲状腺癌中的研究 被引量:2

PTEN Gene in Thyroid Cancer Research
摘要 大约有4%~7%的人口在他们的一生中会形成临床上明显的甲状腺结节,大多数情况下术前诊断通过针吸活组织检查(Needle Biopsy)是不确定的。因此,对甲状腺良恶性肿瘤的诊断检测的改进成为迫切的需求。PTEN基因是新发现的抑癌基因,在大量的实验研究中已经证实。它的失活或突变与人类多种肿瘤的发生、发展及预后有关。对于PTEN基因在甲状腺肿瘤中的研究,成为目前研究的焦点。 Approximately 4%~7% people will form a clinically significant thyroid nodule.In most cases,needle aspiration biopsy(Needle Biopsy) preoperative diagnosis is uncertain.Therefore,an urgent need is the improvement of the diagnostic test of thyroid tumors.PTEN is a newly discovered tumor suppressor gene,and it has been confirmed in a large number of experiments.Its inactivation or mutation related to many human tumor development and prognosis.The study of the PTEN gene has become a research focus in thyroid tumors.
出处 《黑龙江医学》 2012年第2期106-109,共4页 Heilongjiang Medical Journal
关键词 综述 PTEN基因 甲状腺癌 Overview PTEN gene Thyroid cancer
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