
康复机构组织建设 被引量:9

Review on organization construction of rehabilitation institution in China
摘要 随着国内经济文化、社会保障以及医疗卫生事业的发展,康复医学的发展得到了越来越多的关注,各级政府和社会各界对康复支持力度逐年加大,国内陆续建立了国家级康复中心、省级、地市、县级复中心以及大量的社区康复机构。同时,全国二级以上综合性医院还成立了康复医学科,基本上形成了覆盖全国的康复机构网络。但和发达国家相比,由于多种原因,国内在康复机构的建设标准、管理模式、运营机制等方面还存在较大差距,制约着康复医学的快速发展和科学管理。通过研究、对照发达国家康复机构的管理特点,拟探讨国内康复机构今后在机构建设标准、运营管理模式等方面的发展方向,并提出可行性建议。 With the development of economy,culture,social security and healthcare in China,rehabilitation medicine has drawn more and more attention and support from all levels of government and society.Since rehabilitation medicine was introduced into China in the 1980s,rehabilitation facilities of national,provincial,prefecture level,county level had been established one after another as well as many community rehabilitation centers.Meanwhile,general hospitals above level II have been urged to open rehabilitation departments.A national network of rehabilitation facilities has been formed.However,compared to developed countries,because rehabilitation medicine is relatively new in China and rehabilitation institutions are managed by different government bodies,etc.there’s a big difference in the construction standards,management method and operation mechanism and so on,which has been lagging the acceleration of development and scientific management of rehabilitation medicine.The objective of this study is to explore the possible developments of construction,management and operation of rehabilitation institutions,and to provide feasible suggestions.
出处 《中国医院》 2012年第6期1-4,共4页 Chinese Hospitals
关键词 康复机构 组织建设 rehabilitation institutions; organization construction
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  • 1新华网.我国残疾人总数已超过8300万近5000万有康复需求[EB/OL][2009—10-27)[2012—1—91.http://news.xinhuanet.com,societv/2009—10/27/contentl2339885.htm.




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