

Synthesis of HA-ZrO_2 biological composite
摘要 首先以H3PO4和Ca(OH)2为主要原料利用湿化学方法合成了结晶良好的羟基磷灰石粉体(HA),在该粉体中分别引入15%、20%和25wt%的m-ZrO2粉体,经成型后分别在900℃、1 000℃、1 100℃和1 200℃温度下煅烧1h,详细研究ZrO2含量和烧结温度对该复合材料物相及体积密度的影响规律.结果表明:随着烧成温度的升高,该复合材料的体积密度呈上升趋势,当温度为1 000℃时达到最大值,当温度进一步升高时,体积密度下降.而复合材料中的HA相随温度的升高而不断降低,当温度超过1 000℃时该趋势更加明显.随ZrO2的引入材料体积密度有一定提高,但当ZrO2含量超过20%时,其体积密度有所降低,当ZrO2含量为20%时,杂质含量最低. Hydroxyapatite was synthesized using H3PO4 and Ca(OH)2 as raw materials by wet chemical method. The as-prepared HA powders were mixed with 15%, 20%, 25 wt% m-ZrO2, respectively, and sintered at 900 ℃ 1 000 ℃, 1 100 ℃ and 1 200 ℃ for 1 h, re- spectively. The main phases and rules of phases changing with the content of rn-ZrO2 and sintered temperature was investigated by XRD. The results show that when the temperature is high, HA decompose to β-Ca3 (PO4)2 and CaO, the rn-ZrO2 is then partly converted into t- ZrO2 by partial consumption of CaO which in turn resulted in a mixture of β-Ca3 (PO4)2 and HA further. The CaO produced reacts further with m-ZrO2 generating a mixture of t-ZrO2 and CaZrO3 in different proportions. These various phases formed interfere with the sinter- ability of the composites leading to a overall reduced density as compared to that of pure HA. As a result, when the sintered temperature is about 1 000 ℃ and the content of m-ZrO2 reaching 20 wt%, superior properties of composites was obtained.
出处 《陕西科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第3期47-50,共4页 Journal of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology
基金 西安市创新支撑计划(CXY1124(3)) 咸阳市科技计划项目(2011K09-23) 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项(12JK0468) 榆林市2011年产学研合作项目
关键词 羟基磷灰石 氧化锆 烧结温度 复合材料 hydroxyapatite zirconium sintering temperature composite materials
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