An extratropical cyclone which rapidly developed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea on 3-5 March 2007 is diagnostically analyzed by the extended Zwack-Okossi equation. Results show that latent heat release and horizontal warm-air advection are main forcing terms at the early developing stage, and la- tent heat release is mostly responsible for the almost explosive development of the cyclone, while hori- zontal absolute vorticity advection become the main forcing term at the late developing stage. Cold-air ad- vection which is the dominant weakening term during the weakening stage of the cyclone and adiabatic cooling act as weakening the cyclone during the whole period. The surface sensible and latent heat fluxes contributed little to the development of the cyclone, with the negative contribution in Yellow Sea and Bo- hai Sea and the positive contribution in Japan Sea. The surface moist flux played more important role than the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes do in the development of cyclone. Changbai Mountain and Kore- an Mountain also are favorable for the development of cyclone by intensifying the precipitation and the la- tent heat. The cyclone resulted in a storm surge in Bohai Sea, so the gale in Bohai Sea by kinetic energy e- quation is analyzed. The results show that the increase of kinetic energy in Bohai Sea resulted from hori- zontal kinetic energy advection before 20..00 on 4 March 2007, with smaller contributions from available potential energy exchange and downward momentum transport. After 20:00, the kinetic energy in Bohai Sea was supplied by available potential energy exchange and downward momentum transport. The contri- bution of downward momentum transport was equal to that of available potential energy exchange, and sometimes larger than that of available potential energy exchange.
Plateau Meteorology
Extratropical cyclone Extended Z-O equation Latent heat release Kinetic energy equa-tion Horizontal advection of kinetic energy