本文是我院哲学系博士生刘岳兵去年 11月 3 0日在本院中国哲学研习会上的发言稿 ,后交其导师、我院院长兼本刊主编方克立教授审阅。方克立教授阅后 ,于今年 1月 2 5日批转本刊编辑部 :“配合揭露和批判日本军国主义复活 ,可在下期发表。”2月底 ,曾亲身经历和参与侵华日军制造的南京大屠杀暴行、长期以来一直致力于揭露日本军国主义罪恶的原日军老兵东史郎先生再度来华 ,继续以无可辩驳的事实揭露侵华日军犯下的滔天罪行 ,并发出了“我需要中国人民抗议的呼声”的求助话语。本刊编辑部同仁坚决支持东史郎先生 ,并愿为其揭露侵华日军的暴行提供帮助 ,故特发表此文。该文依据大量的历史事实 ,通过对日本军国主义的思想特征、军国主义与儒学的所谓历史的与理论的联系 ,以及具体历史人物思想的个案剖析 ,点面结合 。
Editor's note:This is the text of speech by Liu Yue-bing,a student of the Graduate School studying for the doctor's degree,at a discussion on philosophy on November 11,1999. Professor.Fang Ke-li, Liu's tutor and editor in chief of the school journal, checked and approved of it,and on January 1,asked us to publish it as our support to disclosing and criticizing the revival of Japanese militarism. By the end of February, news that Mr.Azuma Shiro who has been devoting himself to disclosing the crimes committed by Japanese invaders in China as a partaker of the Nanjing Massacre, was visiting China again,and would further expose the monstrous crimes of the invading Japanese troops and cry for support to his endeavors from the Chinese people. To voice our support to Mr. Azuma Shiro, the school journal has decided to publish the article. Based on large quantities of historical fact, and through analyses of the characteristics of Japanese militarist ideology, the theoretical and historical relationship between Japanese militarism and Confucianism, and of particular examples of the thought of some historical figures, this article discloses the source and ground of the formation of Modern Japanese militarism and its repeated revival in the postwar years.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences