
甲下血管球瘤51例临床分析 被引量:7

Clinical Analysis of Subungual Glomus Tumors(51 Cases)
摘要 目的:探讨甲下血管球瘤的病因、临床表现、诊断、手术方法和治疗效果。方法:2000年1月-2011年12月,对51例甲下血管球瘤进行诊断和治疗,术前51例均以局部慢性自发性疼痛为主要表现,Love氏试验均为阳性,48例Hildreth氏试验阳性,43例冷敏感试验阳性,23例X线拍片可见甲床下指骨有弧形压迹,全部病例均采用手术切除肿瘤。结果:术后随访3个月至11年,术后疼痛症状全部消失,1例于术后半年复发,除术前即有指甲畸形的2例外,其余指甲生长良好,无明显畸形。结论:提高对甲下血管球瘤的认识,有助于早期诊断,早期治疗;完整、彻底切除肿瘤是提高临床疗效、预防复发的关键。 Objective:To investigate the etiological factors,clinical manifestations,diagnosis,surgical approach and therapeutic efficacy of subungual glomus tumor.Methods:51 cases with subungual glomus tumor were treated from January 2000 to December 2011.Surgical excision was done for all cases.Love’s test,Hildreth’s test,cold intolerance test,the existence and severity of pain were recorded and compared preoperatively and postoperatively.Results:All of 51 cases were followed up 3 months to 11 years.Pain disappeared in all the cases,recurrence occurred in one cases after six months.There were no deformities,other than two cases that had deformities in nail before operation.Conclusions:Improved awareness of subungual glomus tumor was in favor of the early diagnosis and the early treatment of subungual glomus tumor;a complete and thorough excision of tumor is the key to improving clinical efficacy and prevention of recurrence.
出处 《中国中医骨伤科杂志》 CAS 2012年第7期22-23,共2页 Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics
关键词 血管球瘤 指甲 手指 诊断 外科手术 Subungual glomus tumor Nail Diagnosis Surgery
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