
空基平台无源定位的误差推导与精度分析 被引量:2

Error Calculation and Accuracy Analysis of Two-fighter Passive Location
摘要 为研究双机无源定位的误差精度,对无源定位误差公式进行了推导,并采用数字仿真的方法对间距、目标位置、测角精度以及平台测量误差对定位精度的影响进行了分析。分析结果表明,平台的几何位置对误差影响较大,保证目标交汇角在一定范围内,是保证定位精度的有效方法。 In this paper,the error formula of passive location is calculated to study the ereor accuracy of passive location. The factors such as distance of the fighters, the location of targets, the anagle accuracy and errors of measure which affect the location accuracy are analysed through digital simulation. According to the analysis, the main fator which affects the error is the position of the measure planes. It is an effective way to keep the cross angle in the rang to ensure the location accuracy.
作者 王伯生 王芳
出处 《航空计算技术》 2012年第3期89-91,共3页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
关键词 无源定位 精度分析 定位精度的几何稀释(GDOP) passive location accuracy analysis geometrical dilution of precision
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