Women Magazine was in print in the early and middle period of the Republic of China and its goals were changing in different periods. A bibliometric analysis of the articles related to foreign affairs in this magazine before and after the May 4th Movement revealed that beth the number and topics were quite different. Before the May 4th Movement the articles were closely related to the popularization of advanced and practical knowledge, and the articles in the early period of the May 4th Movement focused on the introduction of for- eign women' s liberation movements and new ideological trends, and in the middle period of the May 4th Movement it centered on the popularization of the ideas and theories of foreign women' s liberation. After the May 4th Movement, it carried quite a few articles on the theories and practice of the May 4th Movement, which shed some light on the Chinese women' s liberation movement.
Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Women Magazine
foreign ideological trends
women' s liberation