
珊瑚岛淡水透镜体抽水倒锥影响因素研究 被引量:8

Research on Influential Factors upon the Up-cone of the Freshwater Lens in a Coral Island
摘要 为研究珊瑚岛淡水透镜体抽水倒锥的形成和影响因素,构建了西沙永兴岛淡水透镜体三维数学模型,运用Visual Modflow软件对模型进行数值求解,获得了淡水透镜体外包络面、倒锥外形和相关因素对倒锥的影响。模拟计算表明,淡水水头的计算值与实测值之差为-0.58%--3.86%;取年均降雨量的40%为回补量,永兴岛淡水透镜体最大计算厚度为15m;抽水倒锥上升高度随抽水强度和时间的增加而增加,随井底到淡水透镜体底部边界距离的增加而减少;倒锥对抽水强度十分敏感,工程中应予以严格控制,对于永兴岛上长期开采的水井,建议抽水速率不超过5m3/h。研究成果可用于制订淡水透镜体的开采策略,实现珊瑚岛地下淡水资源的持续开发和利用。 Three-dimensional freshwater lens mathematical model is built to research the influential factors upon the up-cone of the lens in a coral island. The model is solved numerically by Visual Modflow software. The surface of the lens is obtained and the formation as well as influential factors Of the up-cone is simulated. The numerical calculation indicates that the difference of fresh- water heads between calculation and measurement is from -0.58% to -3.86%. Taking 40% of the annually mean rainfall as compen- sation for the lens, the maximum thickness of the lens in that island is about 15.0 m. The up-cone interface' ascends with the in- crease of the pumping time and rate, but decreases with the increase of the distance between the bottoms of the well and the lens. The up-cone is hypersensitive to the pumping rate. So the rate must be controlled strictly in engineering practice and doesn't ex- ceed 5 m^3/h for the well in that island. The,results of the research may be used for working-out exploitation strategy of the lens for the freshwater resource to be realized sustainable utilization.
出处 《后勤工程学院学报》 2012年第4期57-66,共10页 Journal of Logistical Engineering University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40576050)
关键词 珊瑚岛 淡水透镜体 数学模型 抽水倒锥 coral island freshwater lens numerical model up-cone
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