
空肠弯曲菌感染致人畜共患的周围神经病 被引量:7

Peripheral nervous diseases related with Campylobacter jejuni infection in human and animals
摘要 目的 探讨空肠弯曲菌 (CJ)感染与人和动物发生周围神经病的相互关系 ,寻找格林 巴利综合征 (GBS)的病因和预防措施。方法 对GBS患儿及其家庭成员和家禽家畜进行流行病学调查 ,并对其大便中CJ进行培养和质粒分析、血中特异性抗体测定、神经电生理及神经病理学等检查。结果  10例GBS患儿中发现 4例与CJ感染有关的人畜共患的周围神经病。其中与猪共患 2例 ,与鸭、鹅共患各 1例。 4例患儿分别于家禽家畜肢体瘫痪后 1~ 3周出现GBS表现 ,大便CJ培养均阴性 ,CJ抗体全部阳性 ,2例肌电图显示神经传导速度减慢 ;患病家禽家畜 6份粪便CJ培养阳性 5例 ,血清CJ抗体均阳性 ,神经活检显示脱髓鞘改变 3例 ,轴索变性 1例。结论 空肠弯曲菌感染可引起人畜共患周围神经病 ,病理改变为脱髓鞘和轴索变性。 Objective To search for the relations between the Campylobacter jejuni (CJ) infection and peripheral nervous diseases both in human and animals, and explore the cause and preventive ways of Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS). Methods Epidemiological investigations were carried out in the children with GBS, their family members and the domestic fowls and animals. In the meantime, the following experiments were also performed, stool cultures of CJ, plasmid analysis, specific antibody detection in blood, neuroelectrophysiologic examination, and neuropathology examination. Results Four of ten children with GBS were found with peripheral nervous diseases which related with CJ infection and similar to those in domestic animals. Of them, 2 patients have the same illness as pigs, another two as gooses and ducks, respectively. Four patients appeared the symptoms of GBS one to three weeks after the acroparalyses of domestic fowls and animals. The CJ cultivation in patients′ stool was negative. CJ antibody in patients blood was all positive. The electromyogram (EMG) showed decreased velocity of nerve conduction in two patients. Five of six stool samples in the domestic fowls and animals with paralysis were positive for CJ culture. The serum antibodies against CJ were all positive. By nerve biopsies, three of them were revealed demyelination and one have axon degeneration. Conclusion CJ infection could cause peripheral nervous diseases including demyclination and axon degeneration both in human and animals. The prevention and treatment of the CJ infection should be an important way to reduce the morbidity of GBS.
出处 《中华儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第1期13-15,I002,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
关键词 周围神经病 空肠弯曲菌 人畜共患病 Campylobacter jejuni Peripheral nervous system diseases Compylobacter infections Polyradiculoneuritis
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