

Effects of Starter-N on Soluble Sugar Accumulation,Distribution and Yield of Soybean
摘要 为了探讨启动氮对可溶性糖积累、分配的影响,确定最佳施氮时期,延缓大豆叶片的衰老,增加叶片的光合能力,采用框栽法,按照氮肥施用时期设置了5个处理,研究启动氮对大豆不同生育时期各器官中可溶性糖含量和积累的影响。结果表明:N15+35R4(启动氮15kg.hm-2+R4期追氮35kg.hm-2)处理有利于大豆生育后期叶片中可溶性糖含量的增加,延缓叶片衰老,增强叶片后期的光合能力,并利于后期茎秆中可溶性糖的运转,增加籽粒中可溶性糖积累量,增加产量。N15+35R4较N50(基肥一次性施氮50kg.hm-2)处理产量增加了16.5%,达到差异极显著水平(P<0.01)。 In order to investigate the effects of starter-N on soluble sugar accumulation and distribution,to determine the optimum nitrogen application time,delay the senescence of soybean leaves to increase photosynthetic capacity,5 processing were set according to the nitrogen application stage to conduct the effects of starter-N on soluble sugar content and accumulation in various organs of soybeans at different growth stages.The results showed that N15+35R4(starter-N 15 kg·hm-2+topdressing 35 kg·hm-2 at R4 stage)treatment could increase soluble sugar content in soybean leaves,delay leaf senescence,enhanc the photosynthetic capacity of leaves at late stages,and promote the translocation of soluble sugar form stems to grains,increase soluble sugar accumulation in the grains,therefore increase soybean yield.Compared with N50(basal N 50 kg·hm-2),N15+35R4 treatment increased soybean yield by 16.5%(P〈0.01).
出处 《黑龙江农业科学》 2012年第7期48-52,共5页 Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 黑龙江省优势农产品生产与加工研发平台产业化资助项目(GJPT006-2) 哈尔滨市科技攻关计划资助项目(2008AA6CN040)
关键词 大豆 启动氮 可溶性糖 产量 soybean; starter-N; soluble sugar; yield
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