
旅游活动对土壤环境影响的国内研究进展 被引量:40

The Influence of Tourist Activities on Soil Environment:An Overview of Research Progress in China
摘要 随着旅游业的迅猛发展,由此带来的环境污染和破坏问题也日益突出,作为对旅游干扰反应最为敏感的环境因子之一和生态系统的重要组成部分,土壤对生态系统的稳定和环境健康状况有重要的影响。基于此,本文对国内相关学者的研究进行了简单的综述,将中国旅游活动对土壤环境影响的研究历程大体上分为初步探索和快速发展2个阶段,并且分别就文章数量、研究内容和研究方法等方面细阐述了这2个阶段的不同特征。在此基础上,分别就旅游活动对土壤的物理性质、化学性质和生物活动下的各个方面不同程度的影响进行了分类综合。总结了现阶段中国区域旅游活动对土壤环境影响研究中的研究内容、研究区域和研究尺度等方面的4大特征,揭示了现阶段中国旅游活动对土壤环境影响研究中参考标准、研究内容、研究范围、研究方法和研究对象方面的不足以及该领域未来发展的趋势与热点,以期为今后旅游对土壤环境的影响研究指明方向。 As a large-scale prosperous industry, tourism has become more and more important in the world. At the same time, the problem of pollution and environment-wrecking have emerged with its development. As the most sensitive factor to disturbance, the soil, one of the significant parts of ecosystem, has a great impact on the stability of ecosystem and the health of environment. As mentioned above, the literature review is used in this pa- per. Firstly, the author illustrated three phases of researching process about the impact of tourist activity on soil environment, namely, the beginning stage, fast development stage and maturity stage. Secondly, the writer repre- sented the different impacts of all tourist activities on the soil environment and summarized the characteristics of those literatures which have been published so far. Finally, the authors put forward some limitations as follows. (1) The rationality of the frame of reference in the papers that had been published should be reconsidered. (2) The content of research in this field should be extended; the researches about the impact of tourist waste on soil environment are still insufficient. (3) The limitation of these researches is that they are confined to locations in single beauty spot, while there are fewer studies of the impact of inter-regional tourism on soil environment, which make research lacking systematization. (4) The methods used in this field are relatively simple. The re- searches about spatio-temporal evolvements of soil environment under the influence of tourist activity are defi- cient. (5) The subject investigated is lack of diversity. The researches on ecological vulnerable areas such as wet- land and tundra are insufficient. Considering the limitations above, the author put forward some prospects and development trends about this area so that it can help the research in future.
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1097-1105,共9页 Progress in Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40871255)
关键词 旅游活动 土壤环境 影响 研究进展 发展趋势 tourist activity soil environment influence literature review development trend
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