
含分布式电源的智能配电网的多目标优化调度 被引量:3

Distribution Network Optimal Scheduling Considering Distributed Generations
摘要 随着智能电网的建设,分布式电源越来越受到青睐,对配电网内各个分布式电源的优化调度也越来越重要。本文综合考虑了配电网的运行费用和环境效益,建立了含有柴油机、风力发电机、光伏发电单元和燃料电池等分布式电源的智能配电网优化调度模型。然后在满足各种约束条件的基础上,使用遗传算法求解了该模型。接下来给出相应算例计算了目标函数,通过分析计算结果,得出多目标优化调度模型的可行性与优越性。 As the construction of Smart Grid, the Distributed Generation (DG) becomes increasingly popular, the importance of optimal scheduling of them receiving is also increased. Based on comprehensive considerations on operational costs and environmental benefits, a multiple objective optimal scheduling model for the distribution system is proposed, diesel engines, wind turbines, photovoltaic cell and fuel cell are included. Then, the model is solved by the genetic algorithm on the basis of a variety of constraints. Next, calculating the objective function by a given corresponding example, the feasibility and superiority of the multi-objective optimization model obtained by analyzing the calculation results.
出处 《电气技术》 2012年第8期7-9,共3页 Electrical Engineering
关键词 分布式电源 智能配电网 多目标 优化调度 distributed generation smart distribution network multiple objective optimal scheduling
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