目的 :探讨CT引导下椎间盘突出的髓核内和突出物表面注射胶原酶治疗椎间盘突出症的效果。方法 :对 90例椎间盘突出的患者在CT导引下分别于椎间盘突出的髓核内和突出物的表面注射胶原酶 ,所有患者随访 3个月~ 2年 ,其中 3 0例行CT复查。结果 :穿刺成功率 10 0 % ,术后随访 3个月~ 2年 ,优良率为 95 .6% ,2 9例CT随访突出物均有部分缩小或消失 ( 96.7% ) ,本组无并发症。结论 :腰椎间盘突出的髓核内和突出物的表面共同注射胶原酶是治疗椎间盘突出症的安全有效的方法。
Objective:To investigate the effectiveness of CT guided collagenase injection into nucleus pulposus of herniated lumbar disc and the surface of herniation in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.Methods:Ninety patients with lumbar disc herniation received CT guided collagenase injection,all patients were followed up from 3 months to 2 years,30 patients rceived CT reexamination during this period.Results:Injection was done successfully in all patients(100%),the rate of excellent and good results were 95.6% heruiation was found disappeared or significantly reduced by CT in 29 of 30 patients(96.7%),no complication was found in our group.Conclusions:CT guided collagenase injection into nucleus pulposus of herniation lumbar disc and the surface of herniation is a safety and effective method in the treatment of herniation lumbar disc.
Radiologic Practice