:【目的】探讨改良法和传统法制作桩核蜡型的优劣。【方法】随机抽取 10名口腔科非修复医师进行两种方法的实验 ,比较两种方法制作蜡型的时间、蜡型长度、完成次数、密合度、完整性。【结果】改良法制作的蜡型在制作时间、蜡型长度、完成次数、密合度、完整性方面均与传统法制作的蜡型有显著性差异。
Objective To compare the traditional method and the modified method of making wax patterns of posts. Methods Each of 10 randomly chosen dentists used both 2 methods to make wax patterns of posts. Length of time and number of times of accomplishment, adaptation, integrity and length of the wax patterns made by the 2 methods were compared. Results Statically significant differences were revealed between the traditional and modified methods considering the length of time and number of times of accomplishment, adaptation, integrity and length of the wax patterns of posts. Conclusion Wax patterns made using modified method were better than those made using traditional method.
Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences