【目的】研究土壤捕食性螨类群落结构及其多样性特征,为开发利用及保护乌鲁木齐地区农林害虫捕食性天敌资源提供科学依据。【方法】采用塔氏(Tullgren)分离法和群落多样性分析方法对该区不同生境土壤捕食性螨类资源的群落结构、多样性及其季节动态变化进行比较分析。【结果】乌鲁木齐市不同生境土壤农林害虫捕食性螨类3 643只,分别隶属于2目21科38属。其中前气门目螨类有5科11属,中气门目螨类有16科27属,其中优势类群为美绥螨属Ameroseius、囊螨属Asca、真长须螨属Eustigmaeus和表刻螨属Epicrius等四类,占总捕获量的61.57%。常见类群为背刻螨属Epicriopsis、毛绥螨属Lasioseius、吸螨属Bdella、肉食螨属Cheyletus、寄螨属Parasitus、真派盾螨属Euparholaspulus、尾足螨属Uropoda、维螨属Veigaia、厉螨属Hypoaspis、土厉螨Ololaelaps等10类,占总捕获量的30.47%,其余14类为稀有类群,仅占总捕获量的7.96%。在不同生境土壤捕食性螨类个体数和类群数之间差异均为显著(P<0.05),其中自然榆林最高,菜地最低,个体数顺序为自然榆林>植物园>菜地>防护林>居民点>草地。群落类群数及个体数的垂直分布均具有表聚性,不同生境及不同土层间差异均为极显著(P<0.01),个体数和类群数在不同季节之间差异显著(P<0.05),其顺序为夏季>秋季>冬季>春季。群落相似性系数在不同生境样地之间基本上属于中等不相似(0.25≤q<0.50)。群落多样性指标在不同生境间差异显著(P<0.05),其中Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)顺序为自然榆林>植物园>草地>菜地>居民点>防护林。Margalef丰富度指数(M)顺序为自然榆林>草地>植物园>防护林>居民点>菜地。【结论】乌鲁木齐地区土壤捕食性螨类资源相当丰富,因此,为了加强农林害虫的生物控制、提高绿色农产品产量,亟待进一步加强此类资源的保护利用研究。
[ Objective ] In order to provide scientific agriculture and forestry pest predatory natural enemy resources diversity of the soil predatory mites from different habitats Vegetable field, Residential area and Grassland ) in Urumqi basis for the exploitation and protection of in Urumqi area, the community structure and ( i. e. Natural forest, Shelter forest, Park, area were investigated. [ Method ] The soil predatory mites were extracted through Tullgren extractor and were identified to the genus level, as well as the community structure, diversity and seasonal dynamics were analyzed by using the community diversity analysis methods. [Result] A total of 3,643 soil predatory mite individuals was captured and fell into 2 orders, 21 families and 38 genera, among which the Ameroseius, Asca, Eustigmaeus, and Epicrius belonged to the dominant groups, and they accounted for 61. 57% of the total samples. Epicriopsis, Lasioseius, Bdella, Cheyletus, Parasitu, Euparholaspulus, Uropoda, Veigaia, Hypoaspis and Ololaelaps belonged to the common groups and they accounted for 30.47% of the total samples, and the other 14 genera belonged to the rare groups and they only accounted for 7.96% of the whole samples. The results also indicated that there were significant differences among the different habitats of the individuals and group number of soil predatory mites (P 〈 O. 05, the sequences of horizontal distribution of soil predatory mites were : natural forest 〉 Botanical garden 〉 Vegetable field 〉 Shelter forest 〉 Residential area 〉 Grassland. The community similarity indices in the different habitats were being dissimilar(0.25 ~〈 q 〈 0.50). There were significantly differences in the number of individuals and groups in different soil layers and different habitats (P 〈 0.05 ) and different seasons, and the sequences were summer 〉 autumn 〉 spring 〉 winter. There were also significantly differences of community diversity indexes in different habitats and different seasons (P 〈 0.05), the order of Shannon - Wiener diversity index were : Natural forest 〉 Botanical garden 〉 Grassland 〉 Vegetable field 〉 Residential area 〉 Shelter forest, whereas Margalef abundance indexes were Natural forest 〉 Grassland 〉 Botanical garden 〉 Shelter forest 〉 Residential area 〉 Vegetable field. The studies also suggest that the land -use types and the types of vegetation aboveground affect the ecological structures of soil predatory mite community. [ Conclusion] Soil predatory mite resources are quite rich in Urumqi area, therefore, in order to strengthen the integrated pest control, and improve the green agricultural product, it is necessary to further enhance the protection and utilization of the soil predatory mite resources.
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences