
INCONEL 718(GH4169)高温合金的发展与工艺 被引量:108

Review of INCONEL 718 Alloy:Its History,Properties,Processing and Developing Substitutes
摘要 INCONEL 718合金(IN718)自从20世纪60年代初在美国的INCO Huntington Alloys(现为Special Metals Co.)被发明并应用于涡轮零部件制造后,已成为航空发动机历史上应用最为广泛的镍基高温合金材料。现代飞机发动机上超过30%(质量分数)的关键零部件由718合金制成。本文回顾了718合金在航空发动机上的应用历史,对该合金的基本力学性能、高温稳定性,以及目前国外应用的铸、锻制造工艺现状做了综述。对国外正在研究的新型IN718衍生替代合金的发展现状进行了介绍。 Since its invention and initial application in gas turbine components in the early 60's of 20th century at INCO Huntington Alloys (now called Special Metals Co. ), INCONEL 718 alloy (IN718) has become the most widely used nickel based superalloy in the aircraft engine industry. It was used in many critical aircraft engine components, accounting for over 30% of the total finished component mass of a modern aircraft engine. This article reviews IN718 alloy development history, its mechanical properties, long-term thermal stabilities, industrial processing methods, and current developing sub stitute alloys for enhanced thermal stability.
作者 齐欢
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期92-100,共9页 Journal of Materials Engineering
关键词 INCONEL 718 镍基合金 718Plus 航空发动机 INCONEL 718 nickel-based superalloy 718Plus aircraft engine
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