
护理本科生专业英语听说障碍的现状及其对策 被引量:4

Listening and Speaking Obstacles of Nursing English in Nursing Undergraduates: Current Situation and Countermeasures
摘要 目的了解护理本科学生在专业英语学习中存在的障碍并提出解决方法。方法方便性抽样对南京中医药大学护理学院307名护理本科学生进行专业英语听说障碍问卷调查并分析结果。结果接受调查的学生中,80.2%认为医疗护理专业词汇量不足为专业英语听力主要障碍;57.9%指出语音知识匮乏,50.7%指出护理背景知识缺乏为听力主要障碍;同时,80.6%护生认为缺乏医护英语语言环境是影响护生口语能力的主要因素。结论护理本科生的专业英语听说受到词汇量、习得环境、语音等因素影响。应用情景和任务型教学、开发并应用学习软件、改革考核方式等方法可帮助护理学生克服专业英语听说障碍,提高专业英语听说能力。 Objective To explore the listening and speaking obstacles of nursing English in nursing undergraduates and to provide the corresponding countermeasures. Methods A total of 307 nursing undergraduates from Nursing School of Nanjing University majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine were investigated by a self-designed questionnaire. Results Of all the involved nursing undergraduates, 80. 2% of the participants considered that the shortage of professional vocabulary was one of the major barriers in listen ing of nursing English. Other obstacles included pronunciation (57. 9%) and lack of nursing knowledge (50.7%). Moreover, 80.6 % of the students figured that inadequacy of nursing English acquisition environment mainly impacted on their speaking capacity. Conclusion Professional vocabulary,acquisition environment and pronunciation have great influences on listening and speaking of nursing English. Strategies which can help nursing undergraduates improving their occupational listening and speaking capability are situational teaching model, task-based approach, software application and assessment reform.
出处 《解放军护理杂志》 2012年第17期58-60,共3页 Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
关键词 护理 英语 听力 口语 障碍 对策 nursing English listening speaking obstacle countermeasure
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