目的 探讨无症状肺部块影的CT诊断价值。方法 复习经临床和病理证实的无症状肺部块影 16 2例 (恶性肿瘤 10 0例 ,良性结节 6 2例 )的胸片、CT资料。结果 16 2例无症状肺部块影CT正确诊断 130例 ,诊断符合率 80 .2 4% ,高于普通胸片的符合率。棘突征、空泡征、血管集束征、边缘光滑锐利、卫星灶在良、恶性病灶中的出现具有显著性差异。结论 CT检查对无症状肺部块影的定性诊断有重要价值。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of CT image of nodular lung lesions without pulmonary symptoms. Methods To review x ray,CT images of 162 nodular lung lesions without pulmonary symptoms (100 lung cancers and 62 benign nodules) proven by pathology and clinics. Results 130 of the 162 nodular lung lesions were prospectively diagnosed (80.24%),the spine, vacuole, vessel convergence signs are considerably valuable for diagnosis of lung cancers, with remarkable difference for different lung nodules. Conclusion CT images are helpful to differentiate diagnosis between the malignancy and benignancy of lung nodules.
Journal of Luoyang Medical College