
影响花生过敏的主要因素及其研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress in major factors affecting of the peanut allergenicity
摘要 花生过敏是重要的公共卫生与食品安全问题之一,已严重影响过敏患者的健康。花生过敏主要受花生过敏原的组成模式(含量和组成)和个体免疫应答两方面因素影响。其中不同花生品种的过敏原组成模式存在差异,而不同的加工处理可以改变花生过敏原的含量和结构,且在不同程度上影响其致敏性;同时,受遗传和环境因素的影响,不同个体对花生的免疫耐受表现不一。通过综合分析影响花生致敏性的主要因素,为寻找降低甚至消除花生过敏的途径提供参考。 Peanut allergy as one of the important public health and food safety issues has posed a serious threat to the healthy of allergic population. Peanut allergy is mainly influenced by the models of the major peanut allergens component(content and composition) and individual immune response. Different peanut cultivars have various allergen component models,while diverse processing strategies could alter the content or structure of peanut allergens,resulting in effecting peanut allergenicity in varying degrees. Moreover,immune tolerance to peanut is individuals dependent because of different genetic and environment background. The comprehensive analysis of major factors effect on the peanut allergenicity would help to present some insights for set up some approaches to reduce or eliminate peanut allergy.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第20期370-373,378,共5页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金(21162019) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAK10B03 2012BAK17B02) 南昌大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室项目(SKLF-MB-201002 SKLF-TS-201109)
关键词 花生过敏 过敏原 致敏性 peanut allergy allergen allergenicity
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