
无绿藻的研究进展:从基础到临床 被引量:3

Advance in the study of Prototheca: from bench to bedside
摘要 无绿藻是一种直径约3~30μm的单细胞生物,广泛存在于自然界和动物体表及体内,属于条件致病性真菌。目前主要通过直接镜检、真菌培养、组织病理学检查及分子生物学等手段对无绿藻进行鉴定。现已发现无绿藻属包括五个种,其中对人有致病性的仅为中型无绿藻基因型2、小型无绿藻和P.blaschkeae,其致病机制可能与外伤和免疫力低下有关。随着研究的深入,越来越多的无绿藻病被临床确诊。根据不同的类型及其临床表现,对无绿藻病的治疗也有所区别。为了提高对无绿藻这一条件真菌及其致病性的认识,该文对其生物学特性、鉴定方法、致病性、临床表现等研究进展做一简要综述。 Prototheca is a unicellular organism with the cellular diameter about 3 - 30 μm. It exists in the nature and both in vitro and in vivo of the animal body, and it belongs to the opportunistic pathogenic fungus. The main methods to identify prototheca in- clude direct microscopic examination, culture of the fungi, histopathology and molecular biology techniques. Prototheca includes 5 different species, and only the type 2 of Prototheca zopfii,Prototheca wickerhamii and Prototheca blaschkeae have pathogenicity to human. The pathogenic mechanism may be related to trauma and hypoimmunity in infected subjects. With the deepening research, more and more protothecosis were diagnosed. The therapy of protothecosis is different according to the species and their clinical man- ifestations. In order to increase the recognition of its pathogenicity, here we review briefly the advancement on the biology, identifi- cation, pathogenicity and clinical magnification of prototheca.
出处 《中国真菌学杂志》 2012年第4期242-246,共5页 Chinese Journal of Mycology
关键词 无绿藻 分子生物学鉴定 致病性 临床表现 治疗 Prototheca molecular biology identification pathogenicity clinical magnifications therapy
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