以石榴果皮为材料,选用体重相近1日龄海兰白健康的蛋仔公鸡144只,采用单因素试验设计,随机分成4个组,分别为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组,每组3个重复,每个重复12只。各组都饲喂基础日粮,将石榴果皮熬成煎剂于仔鸡饮水中添加,第Ⅰ组添加0.5%石榴皮煎剂,第Ⅱ组添加1.0%石榴皮煎剂,第Ⅲ组添加1.5%石榴皮煎剂,第Ⅳ组只饲喂基础日粮。试验的预试期3 d,正试期42 d,从而研究石榴果皮对蛋仔公鸡生长性能的影响。测量日采食量、平均体重、日增重和料重比、翅长(去羽)、小腿直径。结果表明:不同剂量的石榴皮添加剂都能不同程度地提高蛋仔公鸡的平均体重、日增重(P<0.05),降低了蛋仔公鸡的料重比(P<0.05),其中以添加1.0%的效果最佳;石榴皮对蛋仔公鸡的翅长(去羽)、小腿直径影响不显著(P>0.05)。
Pomegranate peel was used as materials,144 healthy with similar weight of 1-day-old young rooster were randomly divided into four groups,namely the Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ groups,and 3 repeats,each repeats had 12 chickens.Conduct the single factor experiment design,the 4 groups chickens were fed with the same basal diet,the pomegranate peel decocta were fed to rooster by drink water.The group Ⅰ were added 0.5% pomegranate peel decocta,the group Ⅱ were added 1.0% pomegranate peel decocta,the group Ⅲ were added 1.5% pomegranate peel decocta,the group Ⅳ were only fed with based diet.The pre-experiment was 3 days,then conducted the 42 days experiment in order to check the effects of pomegranate peel on the growth performance of young rooster.The average daily feed intake,average weight and average daily gain and the rations of meat to feed,the length of wings(remove the feather),crus diameter were measured.The experimental result indicated that the different doses of pomegranate peel additive could increase average weight and average daily gain weight in different degrees(P0.05);reduce the the rate of meat to feed of rooster(P0.05),among them adding 1.0% pomegranate peel had the best results;the length of wings(remove the feather),crus diameter between the 4 groups had no significant difference(P0.05).
Feed Industry
pomegranate peel
young rooster
growth performance