
基于切片谱的主动水声信号处理方法 被引量:2

Active underwater acoustical signal processing based on slice spectrum
摘要 针对传统FFT对主动水声信号处理无法获得可观的处理增益,提出了基于切片谱的主动水声信号处理方法。研究分析了不同信噪比的噪声背景情况下,通过对主动水声信号计算切片谱来进行处理。仿真结果表明,基于切片谱的主动水声信号处理方法能够较好地抑制高斯噪声,提高输出信噪比,从而获得良好的处理增益,与传统的FFT处理方法相比,在输入信噪比从-10~+10dB之间变化时,处理增益平均提升了6.9987dB。 Active underwater acoustical signal processing based on slice spectrum is introduced to obtain considerable processing-gain.In cases of different SNRs,an underwater signal sequence is processed by calculating the slice spectrum.Simulation results show that the method of signal processing based on slice spectrum can obtain better results than the traditional FFT method,fully suppress the influence of Gaussian noise,and obtain considerable processing-gain.Compared with the traditional FFT method,when the input SNRs range from-10dB to +10dB,the processing-gain increases about 6.9987dB on average.
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2012年第10期77-80,共4页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 主动水声信号 高阶统计量 切片谱 高斯噪声 active underwater acoustical signal high order statistics slice spectrum gauss noise
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