
双向转角电磁铁输出扭矩特性仿真分析 被引量:3

Simulation analysis of output torque of two-way corner electromagnet
摘要 基于电磁场有限元仿真,探讨了双向转角电磁铁的工作机理,分析了其输出扭矩特性。针对工业应用中,双向转角电磁铁在0°位置启动时,需要较大启动电流,且在0°~90°范围内提供的输出扭矩较小,为了获得较大输出扭矩,确定最佳工作区,采用电磁场有限元分析软件Maxwell 2D/3D,对不同安匝数的双向转角电磁铁进行瞬态仿真计算,得到电磁铁转子旋转180°过程中各角度的磁场分布以及输出扭矩,探讨了其实现双向旋转的工作机理。仿真结果表明:双向转角电磁铁的最佳工作区在40°~140°之间,输出扭矩会随着线圈安匝数的增多而增大。该仿真结果为双向转角电磁铁的工业应用提供了依据。 Based on the finite element simulation, the working mechanism for the two-way angle rotating electromagnet is discussed and its output torque characteristics are analyzed. For its application in industrial production, the two-way angle ro- tating electromagnet starts in the 0° position, which needs a large starting current. And its output torque is small within the range of 0°~90°. Maxwell 2D/3D, which is electromagnetic finite element analysis software, is employed for transient simu- lation for the two-way angle rotating electromagnet which has different ampere turns to obtain the larger output torque and de- termine the optimum working section. The magnetic field distribution in every angle and the output torque are obtained when the electromagnet rotor rotates 180°. And the hi-directional rotation mechanism of electromagnet is discussed. The results show that the optimum working section of the two-way corner electromagnet is between 40°and 140°, the output torque in-creases with the ampere turns of the coil increasing. The simulation results of the two-way angle rotating electromagnet pro- vides the basis for industrial application.
机构地区 南京理工大学
出处 《现代电子技术》 2012年第21期145-148,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 双向转角电磁铁 有限元分析 最佳工作区 输出扭矩 安匝数 two-way angle rotating electromagnet finite element analysis optimum working section output torque am-pere turns
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