
抑郁-焦虑-压力量表中文精简版信度及效度评价 被引量:194

Psychometric properties of the Chinese Short Version of Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale in Chinese adults
摘要 目的评价抑郁-焦虑-压力量表中文精简版(DASS-C21)的信度和效度,为该量表在中国大陆的推广使用提供科学依据。方法采用分层随机抽样方法在湖北、湖南、辽宁、山东、福建、河南6省抽取730名≥18岁中国大陆常住居民进行问卷调查;采用内部一致性信度和重测信度进行信度评价,采用内容效度和结构效度进行效度评价。结果项目分析结果表明,DASS-C21量表21个条目与抑郁分量表得分相关系数为0.330~0.751,与焦虑分量表得分相关系数为0.382~0.689,与压力分量表得分相关系数为0.367~0.767,CR值为11.162~21.626(均P<0.01);DASS-C21量表总体Cronbach’sα系数和重测信度分别为0.912和0.751,条目间平均相关系数为0.338;抑郁、焦虑、压力3个分量表得分与DASS-C21量表总分的Pearson相关系数为0.895~0.910,各分量表得分之间的相关系数为0.708~0.741(均P<0.01);验证性因素分析结果表明,拟合指标GFI=0.91、AGFI=0.89、CFI=0.91、IFI=0.91、TLI=0.89、RMSEA=0.06,各条目因素负荷为0.39~0.79;中国大陆成年居民抑郁分量表得分为(6.31±6.82)分,分别高于中国香港、马来西亚和英国居民的(5.35±6.42)、(4.20±3.40)和(2.83±3.87)分(P<0.01);中国大陆成年居民焦虑分量表得分为(6.31±6.82)分,分别高于马来西亚和英国居民的(5.00±3.30)和(1.88±2.95)分(P<0.001);中国大陆成年居民压力分量表得分为(9.72±7.41)分,低于中国香港居民的(11.17±7.07)分(P<0.001),分别高于马来西亚和英国居民的(7.40±3.70)和(4.13±4.20)分(P<0.001)。结论 DASS-C21量表具有良好的信度和效度,可作为中国大陆成年居民抑郁-焦虑-压力评价的有效工具。 Objective To assess the reliability and validity of Chinese Short Version of Depression and Stress Scale(DASS-C21).Methods Totally 730 adults(≥18 years old) from 6 provinces completed 21-Item Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale(DASS-C21) and the reliability and validity of the scale were analyzed.Results For DASS-C21,the Cronbach's α was 0.912;the mean inter-item correlation coefficient was 0.338;the test-retest Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.751.For the three subscale,the Cronbach's α was from 0.754 to 0.823;the mean inter-item correlation coefficient was from 0.311 to 0.366;the test-retest Pearson correlation coefficient was from 0.663 to 0.705.The results of confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the three-factor structure of the DASS-C21 was very suitable for Chinese adults.Compared to the results of foreign researhes,the scores of three subscales among the mainland Chinese adults(n=730,depression=6.31±6.82,anxiety=6.95±6.60,stress=9.72±7.41)were significantly higher than those of the similar samples in England(P0.001)and Bahasa Malaysia(P0.001).However,a test of differnces in means between the mainland Chinese adults and Hong Kong-Chinese adults indicated that the depression subscale of Chinese adults was significantly higher than that of Hong Kong-Chinese(P0.01) and the stress subscale of mainland Chinese was significantly lower than that of Hong Kong-Chinese adults(P0.001),whereas there was no significant difference between the two samples for the anxiety subscale.Conclusion The Chinese Short Version of Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale is of acceptable psychometric properties and applicable among Chinese adults.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1436-1438,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 抑郁-焦虑-压力量表中文精简版(DASS-C21) 信度 效度 中国大陆成年居民 The Chinese Short Version of Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale reliability validity mainland Chinese adult
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