
试论国有企业是后发国家资本积累的有效制度安排 被引量:8

On State-owned Enterprises as Effective Institutional Arrangements for the Accumulation System in Developing Countries
摘要 马克思—马格林的资本积累理论认为,资本积累不能被简单看做是"个人储蓄行为";而应被理解为企业的"扩大再生产"行为;资本积累对于经济发展的有效性需要由一定的积累体制作保障。在此基础上,本文论证了国有企业由于其所有制优势,能够在量和质上更好地承载后发国家实现经济"起飞"的积累体制的要求。因此,国有企业可以被理解为后发国家资本积累的有效的制度安排。 In the thereotical tradition of Marx-Marglin, capital accumulation can not be simply treaded as individual saving behavior, but as the "expanding reproduction" behavior of the capi- talists. And the effectiveness of capital accumulation should be secured by certain accumulation system. In the light of this theory, the paper argues that with its ownership advantage, the state- owned enterprise can better meet the requirement of accumulation system for economic take-off in a developing country. Therefore, state-owned enterprises should be viewed as effective institu- tional arrangements for capital accumulation in developing countries.
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期40-47,共8页 Teaching and Research
关键词 资本积累 后发国家 国有企业 accumulation of capital developing countries state-owned enterprises
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