

Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Integrator with Amplitude
摘要 目前,在永磁同步电机的控制系统中,直接转矩控制已逐步引起关注,这些年也得到了很大的发展,而定子磁链的观测则是直接转矩控制系统中的核心问题。幅值限定积分器是目前较为常用的一种定子磁链观测器,这种积分器也存在如何选取饱和限幅基准L的问题。如果电机运行在磁链幅值变化的情况下,则需要相应修改限幅基准L,所以这种模型只适用于恒磁通控制。针对这种现象,采用状态方程来计算磁链幅值,弥补了幅值限定积分器在非恒磁通控制环境下的缺陷。经过仿真,验证了该方案的可行性。 The permanent magnet synchronous motor control system of direct torque control has gradually aroused the attention in these years, and it has obtained the very big development, and the stator flux observation in direct torque control system is a core problem. Integrator with an amplitude is a common stator flux observer, the integrator has a problem about how to select saturated limiting the reference L, if the motor running in the mutative flux, it have to modify the limiting reference L, so this model is only fit for the constant flux. In view of this phenomenon, use the state equation to calculate the flux, and to make up the defect for the integrator with an amplitude in a constant flux' s environment. Good performance has been achieved by simulation.
作者 孟高军
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《电机与控制应用》 北大核心 2012年第8期25-28,35,共5页 Electric machines & control application
关键词 永磁同步电机 直接转矩控制 定子磁链 积分器 permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) direct torque control (DTC) stator flux integrator
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