
团队教学在急诊医学教学中的实践 被引量:5

Practice of team teaching in emergency medicine
摘要 为提高急诊医学教学质量,培养急诊医学教学团队。中山大学附属第一医院急诊医学教研室将在职教师按照老中青相结合的方法组建教学团队,承担教学任务并对教学质量进行考核。以心肺复苏教学为例评价团队教学在急诊医学教学中的效果。实践证明团队教学模式较传统教学模式对于提高教学质量有明显的优势,有助于年轻教师的培养和教学团队建设。 In order to improve the teaching quality of emergency medicine and train emergency medicine teaching team. The Emergency Medicine Research Office of the First Affiliated Hospital of SUN Yat-sen University has divided the in-service teachers according to the age into several teaching teams to undertake the task of teaching and do the teaching quality assessment after teaching. In teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for example, the effect of team teaching in emergency medicine has been evaluated. Practice has proved that the team teaching mode is better than the traditional teaching mode ha improving teaching quality, and helpful to young teachers' training and the construction of teaching team.
出处 《中国高等医学教育》 2012年第11期70-71,共2页 China Higher Medical Education
关键词 团队教学 急诊医学 team teaching emergency medicine
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