
大晟府词人新考 被引量:1

Textual Research on the Ci-poets of Dasheng Musical Ministry in the Song Dynasty
摘要 徐申崇宁五年(1106)九月至大观元年(1107)任大晟府乐令,大观二年(1108)十月出知常州,任典乐则在大观二年十月前。晁端礼于政和三年(1113)六月下旬赴大晟府,以谪散官而任制撰文字职事,一月后叙复,命官为按协声律,未及上任即卒。万俟咏、田为、江汉于政和三年五月后任制撰文字,后各有升迁。江汉政和六年至政和七年间(1116—1117)离开大晟府任密州通判,万俟咏宣和元年(1119)八月前离开大晟府任秦川茶马司干当公事。田为自政和四年(1114)正月后至宣和元年十一月均在大晟府任职,先后任燕乐所制撰、修制大乐局管勾官、典乐、乐令、典乐、大司乐。 As a literary group,the intercourse was relatively infrequent among the ci-poets of Dasheng Musical Ministry(DSMM).Though contemporary scholars have made a breakthrough in the research of DSMM's ci-poets,some problems have been under-researched due to lack of historical records.Due to the frequent errors in historical materials of the Song Dynasty,it is not easy to uncover the truth.Although much effort has gone into the Song Dynasty's textures,quite a few doubts have remained.For example,it is incorrect that in 1111 A.D.,as was recorded by the privately compiled history of the Song Dynasty,Xu Shen became the Dianyue,a deputy executive of DSMM.According to my textual research,from September 1106 to 1107,Xu Shen served as the Yueliing,a high ranking official of DSMM.Then he became the chief executive of Changzhou County in October 1108.There is plenty of evidence which supports the notion that in October 1108,he was appointed as the Dianyue.With regard to Chao Duanli's official position,various versions were found in different history books,such as the Xielülang,the Anxieshenglü,the Xielü and the Zhizhuan,four different names for junior official posts of DSMM.By investigating the policy of Xufu,according to which a demoted official could be promoted to his original rank depending on his performance,and by tracing the origins of various records,the truth has been revealed in this paper.In late June,1113,Chao Duanli was summoned to take the duty of Zhizhuan Wenzi.But this was a temporary assignment,and his identity was still a demoted official.He wasn't officially appointed until a month later.However,he died from an unexpected illness before he could take the post of Anxieshenglü.It is impossible that Chao Duanli served as the Xielülang as some books have claimed,because it would otherwise contradict with the policy of Xufu.This kind of error in some history books was caused by intentional tampering with the original Chao Duanli's epitaph.It is even far more correct to claim that Chao Duanli served as the Xielü,because it mixed the Xielülang and the Anxieshenglü together,which were two different official positions of DSMM.As for when Moqi Yong assumed the Zhizhuan,there were three recordings in the privately compiled history of the Song Dynasty,which were in 1111,from 1105 to 1106 and from 1119 to 1125.By investigating the Sanshefa,an imperial examination system in the Song Dynasty,and by referring to relevant historical materials of the Song Dynasty,it is proved that Moqi Yong assumed the Zhizhuan in May 1113,not in 1111,and not from 1105 to 1106,and not from 1119 to 1125.In August 1119,Moqi Yong had been promoted as the secretary in charge of Chama Department of Shanxi and Sichuan Distric,a governmental organization which was supervising the commerce of tea and horses between the Song Dynasty and the minorities on the border.Another example is related to Tian Wei's position and his time in DSMM.Most researchers only mentioned Tian Wei being appointed as the Dianyue,but failed to recognize his other official positions in DSMM,such as the Zhizhuan of Yanyue Office(a temporary institution responsible for reforming the banquet music),the Guangouguan in charge of Xiuzhi Dayue Office(a temporary institution of modifying the court music),the Dianyue,the Yueling,the Dianyue and the Da Siyue(a chief executive of DSMM).And it was also incorrectly claimed by some history books that Tian Wei served as the Dianyue in 1105 or in 1118.It has been proven in this article that Tian Wei had been working in DSMM from January 1114 to November 1119.He was first appointed as the Zhizhuan of Yanyue Office in January 1114,then the Guangouguan of Xiuzhi Dayue Office in August 1118,next the Dianyue for the first time in September 1118,the Yueling in August 1119,the Dianyue once again in October 1119 and the Da Siyue on November 13th,1119.The last example in this paper is related to Jiang Han.Contrary to some history books of the Song Dynasty,it is proven in this study that Jiang Han had actually been the Xuanren,a junior official in local government,when he came into DSMM,assumming the Jingguan(an official title of the central government),instead of a common person.Furthermore,it is in May 1113 that Jiang Han began to serve as the Zhizhuan,instead of 1111 as was recorded by the Song Dynasty's history books.Jiang Han left DSMM for the post of the deputy executive of Mizhou County between 1116 and 1117.By textual research,this paper points out some errors of historical books in the Song Dynasty regarding the terms and the actual positions of DSMM's ci-poets.
作者 张春义
机构地区 嘉兴学院中文系
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期60-73,共14页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(11YJA751093) 国家社会科学基金资助项目(12BZW032)
关键词 大晟府词人 任职时间 任职履历 大晟府官制 徐申 晁端礼 万俟咏 田为 江汉 the Ci-poets of Dasheng Musical Ministry employment duration employment record bureaucratic System of Dasheng Musical Ministry Xu Shen Chao Duanli Moqi Yong Tian Wei Jiang Han
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