
苏丹红Ⅲ对泥鳅胚胎发育的毒性研究 被引量:3

Toxicity of Sudan Red Ⅲ on Embryos of Misgurnus anguillicandatus
摘要 为研究水体中苏丹红Ⅲ的毒性作用,以苏丹红Ⅲ为诱变剂,以泥鳅胚胎为试验材料,选择泥鳅胚胎发育的4个不同时期(胚胎隆起期、原肠胚中期、神经胚期、尾芽期)为开始处理时间,用0.085g/L(1/12LC50,24h)、0.057g/L(1/18LC50,24h)、0.038g/L(1/27LC50,24h)、0.025g/L(2/81LC50,24h)、0.017g/L(4/243LC50,24h)等5个质量浓度梯度,探讨了苏丹红Ⅲ对泥鳅胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:苏丹红Ⅲ对泥鳅各发育时期的孵化率均产生影响;最低质量浓度组(0.017g/L)的孵化率与对照组(自来水处理)相比无明显差异;原肠胚中期和神经胚期对苏丹红Ⅲ最为敏感,在次低质量浓度组(0.025g/L)即开始表现出差异。尾芽期时,在中质量浓度组即0.038g/L时即开始表现出差异。苏丹红Ⅲ对泥鳅胚胎具有明显的致畸作用,胚胎的主要致畸症状包括体态异常、胚体浑浊或解体等。苏丹红Ⅲ对尾芽期胚胎的致畸作用表现最为明显,在最低质量浓度组(0.017g/L)时即与对照组具有极显著差异;胚胎隆起期,在中质量浓度组(0.038g/L)时,开始与对照组产生差异;原肠胚中期和神经胚期,只有最低质量浓度组(0.017g/L)与对照组无差异,其余组与对照组有极显著差异。4个不同处理时期的半数有效致畸质量浓度(EC50)分别为0.056、0.044、0.039、0.049g/L。苏丹红Ⅲ对泥鳅胚胎的发育有明显的抑制、致畸、致死作用,表现出明显的毒性,这可为苏丹红Ⅲ的合理使用提供依据。 To study the toxic effects of Sudan Red m on the embryos of Misgurnus anguillican-datus, four different embryonic development periods including blastoderm, mid-gastrulation, neu-rula stage,and tail bud stage were treated with Sudan Red Ⅲ at the concentrations of 0. 085 g/L (1/12 LC50,24 h),0. 057 g/L (1/18 LC50,24 h),0. 038 g/L (1/27 LC50,24 h),0. 025 g/L (2/81 LC50,24 h) ,and 0. 017 g/L (4/243 LC50,24 h) ,respectively. The results showed that the hatching rate of all the developmental stages was affected by Sudan Red Ⅲ. The hatching rate of the lowest concentration group (0. 017 g/L) had no significant difference compared with the control group while mid-gastrula and neurula were most sensitive to Sudan Red Ⅲ. The hatching rate began to show the differences from the control group in 0. 025 g/L. For the tail bud stage,the hatching rate showed differences in 0. 038 g/L group. Sudan Red Ⅲ had significant teratogenic effects to loach embryos,and the major teratogenic symptoms include abnormal posture, such as curved body, arched or curved tail,embryoid bodies turbidity or disintegration. Sudan Red Ⅲ had most obvious teratogenic effect to the tail bud stage embryos, and deformity rates had significant differences with the control group in the lowest dose group (0. 017 g/L). In embryonic bulge stage,deformity rates showed differences with the control group in 0. 038 g/L concentration group. In mid-gastrula and neurula stages, each concentration group had a very significant difference, except for the low- est dose group (0. 017 g/L). Half effective teratogenic concentration(EC50 ) of four different treatment periods were 0. 056,0. 044,0. 039 g/L, and 0. 049 g/L, respectively. This study shows that Sudan Red Ⅲ has significant inhibition, teratogenic and lethal effects to loach embryo deve- lopment,providing a basis for the rational use of Sudan Red Ⅲ.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期143-146,共4页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30771666)
关键词 苏丹红Ⅲ 泥鳅 胚胎发育 毒性 Sudan Red Ⅲ Misgurnus anguillicandatus embryonic development toxicity
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