
Kalsi密封流体动压波形结构研究 被引量:2

Research on the Hydrodynamic Wavy Structure of Kalsi Seal
摘要 Kalsi密封依靠其流体动压波形边在轴旋转时产生流体动压润滑油膜。对标准Kalsi密封的规则正弦波波形边进行理论分析,发现通过增加波数和波幅可以促进流体动压润滑作用。借助Pro/E软件建立三维Kalsi密封模型,并在ABAQUS有限元软件中进行不同波数、波幅、内径时密封的Von Mises应力及接触应力分析。结果表明:波数、波幅对密封圈的Von Mises应力影响很小,而对接触应力影响较大;不同波数时,接触应力呈对称分布,且波数越多接触应力越大;不同波幅时接触应力分布比较一致,且波幅越小,接触应力曲线越平缓;而Kalsi密封圈内径对密封圈的Von Mi-ses应力和接触应力的影响与不同波数时的结论相似。 Relying on its hydrodynamic wavy edge, hydrodynamic oil film is generated by the Kalsi seal when the shaft rotates. The standard Kalsi seal with sine shaped wavy edge was analyzed. It is shown that the hydrodynamic lubrication effect can be improved through adding the wave number and wave amplitude. The three dimensional Kalsi seal model was set up using Pro/E software, and the Von Mises stress and contact pressure distribution of the seal in different wave numbers,wave amplitudes and inner diameters were analyzed using ABAQUS software. The results show that the wave number and wave amplitudes have less influence on Von Mises stress, but have large influence on contact pressure. The contact pressure is distributed symmetrically for the seal in different wave numbers, which becomes larger with the addition of wave number. The contact pressure is distributed identically, and the contact pressure curve is grown mild when wave amplitude is reduced. The inner diameter of the seal ring has the similar influence on Von Mises stress and contact pressure.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期31-35,共5页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 流体动力及控制国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(GZKF-201025)
关键词 Kalsi密封 波形边 流体动压润滑 Kalsi seal wavy edge hydrodynamic lubrication
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