
“无”中生“有”——埃克哈特思想与海德格尔的“转向” 被引量:1

Being Comes from Nothingness —Eckhart's Thought and Heidegger's "Turn"
摘要 所谓的海德格尔思想的"转向",并不意味其着基本问题与观点的改变,而只是其思想表达策略的自我调整。在关键的1929年出现关于无的探讨是解开转向之谜的钥匙。撇除基督教因素的限制,神秘主义者埃克哈特关于神性之荒漠的思想预先为我们提供了一个思考无之问题的经典范本。与埃克哈特作为动力之源的无相对照,我们可以清楚地看到,海德格尔如何在畏的生存论分析上重蹈《存在与时间》的覆辙,又如何转换方向,"从本有而来",终而达及存在本身。 The so-called 'turn' of Heidegger's thought doesn't mean a change of the basic issue and view,but a self-adjustment of the expressional strategy.The discourse about nothingness in 1929 is the key of the 'turn' riddle.Excluding Christian restrictions,the mystic Eckhart's thought about Wüste of divinity provides us with a classic template to think about nothingness.Compared with Eckhart's nothingness as the source of force,we can clearly witness,how Heidegger in the existential analysis of Angst embarks on the old path of Being and Time,and how he afterwards change the previous direction into 'from enowning' and thus achieve Being itself.
作者 谢利民
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第6期742-747,840,共6页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 “转向” 荒漠 存在 'turn' nothingness Wüste being fear
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