
固定式光伏最佳水平倾角及朝向的模拟分析——以宁夏银川地区为例 被引量:8

Simulation and analysis on the optimum horizontal dip angle and aspect of a fixed PV——Taking Yinchuan city of Ningxia as a case
摘要 光伏组件在与建筑一体化系统中往往只能以固定形式存在,因此需要考虑在固定状态下的最佳水平倾角及朝向,使光伏在全年周期内的总发电量最大化.本文首先分析了光伏接受太阳辐射的特点,明确了影响光伏发电量的辐射因素.其次通过气候分析软件Weather Tool分析了宁夏银川地区太阳高度角及方位角在全年周期内的规律,并用建筑物理环境模拟分析软件Autodesk Ecotect Analysis模拟分析了银川地区不同水平倾角及朝向的光电板全年发电量情况,得出了银川地区光伏最佳水平倾角区间及朝向的结论. As PV is usually fixed in building an integrated system, it is quite necessary to study the optimum horizontal dip angle and aspect of it to maximize the total electricity outputs in a full-year cycle. This paper firstly analyzed the characteristics of solar radiation on PV, makes clear the factor influencing the electricity outputs. Secondly it analyzed the annual regulation of solar elevation and azimuth in Ningxia Yinchuan by the weather tool software, simulated and analyzed the PV's annual electricity outputs under different horizontal dip angle and aspect in Yinchuan by the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis software. Finally, it finds out the optimum range of horizontal dip angle and the aspect of PV in Yinchuan.
出处 《西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期700-706,共7页 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(SQ2012BAJY3723-01)
关键词 光伏一体化建筑 直接辐射 散射辐射 太阳高度角 太阳方位角 固定式光伏组件 最佳水平倾角及朝向 Photovoltaic integrated building direct radiation diffuse radiation solar elevation solar azimuth fixed PV optimum horizontal inclination angle and orientation.
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