

A Study on the Characteristic and Historic Contribution of Neolithic Cultures in the South China and Southeast Asia
摘要 华南与东南亚地区在新石器时代具有密切的文化交流和传播关系,文化面貌的统一性较为突出。华南地区以及东南亚邻近地区的新石器时代文化,具有5个重要特征:早期的领先性、中晚期的滞后性、新石器过程的长期性、富裕渔猎采集经济形式、独特的海洋性。华南地区新石器时代文化的海洋性,为中国古代文明的起源和发展提供了独特而重要的成分。 Cultural communication and interaction had existed between the South China and Southeast Asia in the Neolithic time and a cultural unification had gradually shaped. These Neolithic cultures has five aspects of characters such as advantage in early stage, stagnancy in middle and late stages, the long Neolithic process, affluent foraging, particular oceanity, etc.. The oceanity of the Neolithic cultures in the South China had provided unique and important elements for the origin and development of ancient Chinese civilization.
作者 陈洪波
出处 《广西民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期110-115,共6页 GUANGXI ETHNIC STUDIES
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"华南与东南亚新石器时代比较考古研究"(项目编号:12CKG002)的阶段性成果 广西人文社会科学发展研究中心"泛北部湾历史文化研究团队"建设成果
关键词 华南 东南亚 新石器时代 海洋性 南岛语族起源 the South China Southeast Asia the Neolithic time oeeanity the origin of the Austronesian
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