

Establishing the School Culture:Based on the Background of Multicultural Education
摘要 发端于美国的"多元文化教育"迅速发展,影响到学校教育的各个方面。本文通过分析多元文化教育的发展历程和价值内涵,明确多元文化教育的发展对学校文化建设的影响。对多元文化教育理念和价值取向进行反思,找出建设和谐共生、多元互动的学校文化发展的实现路径。 The muhicuhural education begins in America and developed rapidly, influenced all aspects of school education. This article, analysis the developments and value connotations of multicultural education, then try to understanding its effects on shaping school culture. Rethinking the concepts and the value orientation of multicultural education, find a way of implementation path to establishing a harmonious and cultural interactively school culture.
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2012年第6期25-28,共4页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
关键词 多元文化教育 学校文化 理念 muhicuhural education school culture concept
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