In term of array acoutic logging waveforms,this paper forwards a new method on slowness pickup,which bases on the principle that compressional wave,shear wave and stoneley wave arriving time linearly increase with receiver-emitter distance in homogeneous formation,so combining correlation algorithm and Hough transform could identify waveforms and then pickup slownesses,and which is defined as slowness distance coherence-SDC.Two waveforms create a STC plot,so N array aoustic data could create C2N-1 STC plots.Merging all STC plots into a plot is not a easy job for each STC has different delta time,while same waves have same distance to origin in the homogeous formation,and compressional wave,shear wave and stoneley wave have different distance to origin.So using "distance" identify different wave don't care delta time changing or delta distance changing.SDC firstly chooses an array acoutic signal of one receiver and correlates with other receivers' signal,so N-1 slowness time coherence plots could be calculated if tool has N receivers.The second step is stacking each slowness time coherence plot by signal time,so each plot could convert to a correlation coefficients curve with delta time axis,and N-1 correlation coefficients curves are present now.N-1 correlation coefficents curves is a 2-dimension coeffient plot of delta time versus receivers' distance,and compresional wave,shear wave and stoneley wave are three lines relationship on this plot in homogeneous formation.As Hough transform has the advantage of lines identifcation,so line Hough transform is applied on three wave identication by waves' linear feature.Finally,transforming of 2-dimension coefficent plot get a new plot,which x-axis is slowness and y-axis is distance.Compressional wave,shear wave and stoneley have three peaks on STC,and they also have three peaks on SDC plot.Therefore,three slownesses are pickuped by their peaks.The Hough trandform idea is also applied in the high resolution slowness pickup instead of simple merging of several STC.Slowness calculating equation in Hough space is derivated and given in this paper.The Hough space has different partations of compressional wave,shear wave and stoneley wave,so enhanced method is suggested in the processing,furthermore,a short interval log data is processed and verifying SDC result with other software.At end of this paper compares different wave identification methods,3-D Hough transform and 2-D Hough transform,STC and SDC in the applications.SDC is a development of STC in the array acoustic slowness pickup.
Progress in Geophysics