
推进粤港澳保险服务贸易自由化问题探讨 被引量:1

Promote Trade Liberalization of Insurance Services in Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao
摘要 推进粤港澳保险服务贸易自由化,有利于推动粤港澳保险市场的联动,提升广东保险业的市场竞争力,拓展港澳地区保险业市场空间,但也会对广东保险市场带来冲击,并加大区域保险业风险管理的难度。在新形势下,粤港澳保险服务贸易自由化具备政策优势和市场基础,但也面临事权不同、门槛较高、管理体制差异等障碍。为此,要从争取中央政府的政策支持、完善粤港澳保险业合作的机制、加强保险服务贸易发展的目标规划、营造良好的政策环境等方面着手,推动粤港澳保险服务贸易自由化。 Promoting trade liberalization of services in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macan is beneficial for linkages among their insurance markets, improving the competitiveness of the insurance industry in Guangdong, and expanding the size of the insurance market, but it will also influence the market, for example increase the difficulties of managing the regional risks. Under this new situation, trade liberalization in services in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Maeau has policy advantages and market foundation, but it also confronts with some obstacles, such as the different resources distribution, higher threshold, management systems differences etc. Therefore, Guangdong need to promote trade liberalization in insurance services from the following aspects : fight for the policy support from central government, perfect mechanism of corporation between insurance industry, strengthen the target planning of insurance service trade development, create a better policy environment etc.
作者 廖新年
出处 《南方金融》 北大核心 2012年第12期65-67,78,共4页 South China Finance
关键词 保险市场 粤港澳合作 金融合作 服务贸易自由化 Insurance Market Corporation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Financial Corporation Trade Liberalization in Services
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