
相转化法制备聚砜膜研究进展 被引量:10

Progress in Research on Polysulfone Membranes by Phase-inversion
摘要 系统概述了相转化法制备聚砜膜时聚砜含量、添加剂、凝固浴及铸膜液在空气中的蒸发时间对其结构和性能的影响。随着聚砜含量的增加,膜结构从疏松向致密转变;在铸膜液中添加适合的添加剂可制备适当结构和渗透性能的聚砜膜;在凝固浴中添加适量的溶剂,可有效抑制膜内大孔结构的形成;空气中蒸发时间的增大时,膜表面趋于疏松,当增加到一定程度后基本趋于稳定。还综述了相转化法制备聚砜膜时聚砜含量、添加剂、凝固浴及铸膜液在空气中的蒸发时间对其结构和性能的影响。 The effects of the composition of the polymer, additives, the solvent evaporation time, and the gelation media on the membrane struetures/morphology which are prepared by phase inversion process will be represented in the paper. The structure of membranes become thick shin layer from thin skin layer with increase in the composition of the polymer. The appropriate structure and permeability of membranes can be prepared by using additives in the casting solution. The macropore structure will be suppressed by adding solvent in the gelation media. The structure of top surface become the loose structure with increase in the solvent evaporation time, and it will be a certain degree after a specific value of the solvent evaporation time. The effects of the composition of the polymer, additives, the solvent evaporation time, and the gelation media on the membrane structures/morphology which are prepared by ohase inversion process.
出处 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期13-16,共4页 China Plastics
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAI22B07)
关键词 聚砜膜 聚砜含量 添加剂 凝固浴 空气中蒸发时间 polysulfone membrane polymer concentration additive the solvent evaporation time the gelation media
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