
电磁辐射生物效应研究中的一个基本问题——低能电子在水中的径迹结构 被引量:2

A Basic Project for the Study on the Effect on the Electromagnetic Radiation Biology——Track Structure of Low-Energy Electrons in Liquid Water
摘要 建立一个低能电子在水中散射径迹结构的模拟方法,该方法采用Emfietzoglou最新发展的基于介电响应理论的液态水截面来完成低能电子与水的非弹性相互作用计算,将平均散射截面概念与Mott截面结合来计算低能电子在水中的弹性散射,从而提高模拟效率。基于本文方法,模拟了不同能量低能电子在水中的能量沉积、非弹性散射事件空间分布和空间作用范围。这些计算结果与其他理论结果的比较表明,本文方法可严格有效地模拟低能电子在水中的径迹结构。 In this paper a model of simulating the track structure of low-energy electrons in liquid water is presented.The electron inelastic cross-sections are obtained based on the dielectric response theory,in which the optical-data model newly developed by Emfietzoglou et al.is implemented and the low-energy Born-correction scheme composed of the Ochkur approximation and the classical Coulomb-field approach is used.In addition,a novel mean elastic cross–section based on the Mott model is adopted for electron elastic scattering in liquid water for high simulation efficiency.Using the present model,the calculation of the spatial distributions of both inelastic scattering events and energy depositions in liquid water is carried out,and the penetration parameters of low-energy electrons in liquid water are evaluated.These results are compared with other theoretical calculations,indicating that using the present model the track structure of low-energy electrons in liquid water can be exactly simulated.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期1-6,共6页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Z2009DZ006)
关键词 低能电子 液态水 径迹结构 MONTE CARLO方法 Low energy electron liquid water track structure Monte Carlo method
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