Prof.Wang Jie,Vice President of NSFC met with Prof.Ahmoad Ibrahim,CEO of Academy of Malaysia (ASM) on December 5th,2012.Prof.Wang extended his welcome to the guest,reviewed the exchanges and communications during the HASA Council Meeting and introduced about China's S&.T system. Prof.Zou Liyao,Deputy Director General of Bureau of International Cooperation gave a briefing on NSFC and its international cooperation.Prof.Ahmad showed great interest in that and indicated Malaysia is
Prof. WangJie, Vice President of NSFCmet with Prof. Ahmadlbrahim, CEO of Academy of Malay- sia (ASM) on l)ecember 5th, 2012. Prof. Wang extended his welcome to the guest, reviewed the exchan- ges and communications during the IIASA Council Meeting and introduced about China's S~,.T system . Prof. Zou l.iyao, Deputy Director General of Bureau of International Cooperation gavea briefing on NSFC and its international cooperation. Prof. Ahmad showed great interest in that and indicated Malaysia is also considering setting up its own science foundation. Apart from thal, the two sides held discussions on the channel for Chinese and Malaysian scientists to cooperate and other S&-T issues of common concern.