利用三坐标测量仪和三坐标扫描仪获得了凸轮的实际廓线和凸轮机构各几何参数.以编程语言(VB)和Matlab软件为开发和分析工具,以MatrixVB作为VB与Matlab的接口,完成了凸轮机构从动件运动分析软件的开发,解决了基于MatrixVB的凸轮机构从动件运动线图分析等关键问题.研究表明,所开发的软件系统能对现有凸轮机构进行高精度运动分析,其分析精度能达到从动件位移s±0.001 mm、从动件速度v±0.001 mm/s、从动件加速度a±0.001 mm/s2,可以为凸轮机构产品开发提供理论依据.
Based on three-coordinate-measuring machine and three-coordinate scanner, the cam contour and geometric parameters of cam mechanisms were obtained. By using VB and Matlab software as the development tools and MatrixVB as the interface between VB and Matlab, a follower motion analysis software of cam mechanism was developed and some key problems of curves analysis for the follower motion were solved. The result shows that by using the software, high precision of motion analysis can be achieved,i, e. , the precision of displacement analysis is s ±0. 001mm, the precision of velocity analysis is v ±0. 001 mm/s and the precision of acceleration analysis is a ±0. 001 mm/s2, which provide a theoretical basis for product development of cam mechanism.
Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science