
蒙皮材料静电起电影响因素实验研究 被引量:1

Research of Precipitation Static on Aerial Vehicle Surface Material
摘要 为有效减小静电放电对飞行器的影响,设计蒙皮材料静电起电地面模拟实验平台.利用该平台对某型蒙皮材料进行静电起电实验研究,得到材料摩擦起电电位随时间的变化规律,并研究接触面积、相对速度、环境温度和相对湿度对材料静电起电电位最大值的影响,通过拟合曲线得到:相对湿度对静电起电电位的影响最大,相对速度次之,接触面积和环境温度对起电电位的影响相对较小. In order to decrease the impaction of electrostatic discharge to aerial vehicle, aerial vehicle surface material precipitation static experimental platform has been designed. A certain type of aerial vehicle surface material is adopted to carry out the experiment. The rule of electro- static potential changes to different deposition time, contact area, relative velocity and relative hu- midity is proved in the experiment. The results show that the relative humidity is the most impor- tant factor, the second factor is friction speed, followed by contact area and ambient temperature.
出处 《军械工程学院学报》 2012年第6期19-22,共4页 Journal of Ordnance Engineering College
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10927506)
关键词 静电起电 绝缘电阻 相对速度 环境温度 相对湿度 electrostatic insulation resistance relative speed environment temperature relative humidity
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