
釜用静压干气密封气膜刚度的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Gas Film Stiffness on Static Dry Gas Seals of Reactor
摘要 应用SolidWorks软件建立了6种不同膜厚下的静压干气密封三维几何模型。在确定的工况下,运用Fluent软件对6种不同气膜厚度下的静压圆弧槽干气密封内部的微间隙三维流场进行了数值模拟,得到6种流场的压力分布。计算得到不同气膜下的开启力,再利用最小二乘法原理拟合得到气膜开启力关于气膜厚度的函数多项式,通过对气膜厚度进行求导得到气膜刚度与气膜厚度的函数多项式。计算结果表明,气膜刚度随着气膜厚度的增大而减小,为了使静压干气密封稳定工作,端面气膜需要产生足够大的刚度。 Three-dimensional geometric models of static pressure dry gas seal under six different gas film thickness were established with SolidWorks software, which were meshed with Gambit software. In the same specific conditions, internal micro-groove three-dimensional space flow of six different gas film thickness were simulated by the software of Fluent, and then the flow field pressure distribution were gained. The relationship of the gas film thickness and open force were obtained to calculate open force under different gas membrane. Gas film thrust polynomial about gas film thickness was gained through applying least-squares rule to fit and gas film stiffness pol- ynomial about gas film thickness was obtained. The results show that in order to build up the static pressure dry gas seal for the stable active status, the gas blanket rigidity is highly requested for static pressure dry gas seal.
出处 《石油化工设备》 CAS 2013年第1期29-33,共5页 Petro-Chemical Equipment
基金 兰州理工大学博士基金项目(BS05200901)
关键词 反应釜 静压干气密封 CFD 最小二乘法 气膜刚度 reactor aerostatic gas seal CFD least-squares rule gas film stiffness
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