
粉煤灰对煤矿井下巷道喷涂材料性能影响研究 被引量:2

The Effect of Fly Ash on the Perormances of Sealing Materials of Coal Seam Gas
摘要 针对目前煤矿中频频发生的透水事故与静电引发瓦斯灾害的现状,本文以聚合物水泥、阻燃剂以及导电填料制备出一种适用于煤矿井下能够防止煤壁渗水和封堵瓦斯气体的材料,具有防水、防火、抗静电的特点。系统考察了粉煤灰添加量对涂层粘结强度,抗渗性,7d吸水率,无处理、碱处理以及热处理时的抗拉强度和断裂伸长率的影响。结果表明:高炭粉煤灰必须先经过脱炭处理才能作为填料应用于煤矿井下巷道喷涂材料,脱炭粉煤灰作为煤矿井下喷涂材料填料最佳添加量为40%。 At present water inrush accident and gas disaster caused by electrostatic frequently occurred in coal mines.The sealing materials of coal seam gas was investigated to prevent the inner wall of the coal mine from seepage and gas blocking with the organic polymer emulsion and inorganic powder as main materials.This sealing material had the characteristics of fireproofness,waterproofness,and antistatic property.The effect of fly ash on the performance of bond strength,no treatment,alkali treatment and heat treatment tensile properties,impermeability and water absorption of the sealing material were investigated.The results showed that high-carbon fly ash could be used as filler for sealing materials of coal seam gas at the condition of decarbonization.The optimal dosage of the removing carbon fly ash is 40%.
出处 《粉煤灰综合利用》 CAS 2012年第6期3-6,17,共5页 Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
基金 国家国际科技合作项目(2011DFA90830) 国家863计划课题(2011AA06A103) 国家自然科学基金项目(20906053)
关键词 瓦斯封堵材料 脱炭粉煤灰 抗渗性 粘结强度 抗拉强度 断裂伸长率 7d吸水率 Gas sealing material Decarbonized fly ash Impermeability Bond strength Tensile strength Elongation at break Water absorption
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