1例26岁男性患者,4年前行肾移植术,近5个月接受血液透析,因肺部感染给予哌拉西林钠他唑巴坦钠4.5 g加入0.9%氯化钠注射液100 ml、1次/d静脉滴注。第2次用药后5 h,患者突发抽搐、意识丧失、双眼上翻、双腿抽动。先后给予地西泮10 mg肌内注射及7 mg静脉注射,上述症状消失。
A 26-year-old male patient, who had undergone renal transplantation 4 years before and received hemodialysis in the past 5 months, was treated with an IV infusion of piperacillin sodium and tazobaetam sodium 4.5 g in 0.9% sodium chloride 100 mlonce daily for pulmonary infections. Five hours after the second infusion, the patient suddenly experienced convulsion, unconsciousness, upward deviation of the eyes, and twitching of legs. He was given IM diazepam 10 mg, followed by IV diazepam 7 mg, and then above-mentioned symptoms subsided.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal