

Study on a new process for pre-concentration of coarse lean ore
摘要 针对大厂贫矿矿石性质,采用GZD-I型动筛跳汰机进行贫矿粗粒预选新工艺的研究.结果表明,将原矿破碎分级,其中 20~12 mm和 12~3 mm两粒级入动筛跳汰机选别,-3 mm粒级作为重产品直接与动筛跳汰机粗精矿合并的工艺不仅合理,且工艺指标好.Sn,Ph,Zn的回收率分别为93.30%,86.19%,90.23%,抛废率为38.03%. In the light of the properties of lean ore in Dachang, a study has been carried out on new process for pre-concentrating coarse lean ore by the use of Model GZD- I movable- sieve jig. The results show that the process, in which 20-12 mm and 12-3 mm particles from the crushed and graded run-of-mine are processed in GZD-I, then -3 mm particale, as heavy products, is blended with the coarse concentrate from GZD-I, is not only reason- able, but also provides good process results, with the recovery of Sn 93. 30%, Pb 86. 19% and Zn 90. 23%, and the rate of rejection 38. 03%.
出处 《广东有色金属学报》 2000年第1期7-12,共6页 Journal of Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals
基金 国家"九五"攻关项目
关键词 锡石 贫矿石 跳汰机 分级 选矿 贫矿粗粒预选 cassiterite lean ore jig grading
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