
现代学校价值教育核心内容体系及其教育策略——以社会和谐—人生幸福为中心 被引量:3

Core Content System of the Modern School Value Education and its Educational Strategies: Center on Social Harmony and Individual Well-being
摘要 价值教育的根本目的是整体建设学生的价值世界,全面提升学生的价值品质。现代社会的深刻转型冲击着传统的核心价值,致使现代学校价值教育失去了稳定的核心内容体系,因此系统研究现代学校价值教育核心内容体系是非常必要的。基于价值的基本内涵,现代学校价值教育核心内容体系的价值主体应该是兼具"社会性"与"个体性"的人,因此现代学校价值教育核心内容体系应该以社会和谐—人生幸福为中心来建设,最终形成包括终极理想层、生活精神层、公共生活层、个人生活层等四个方面的内容体系。基于这个内容体系,现代学校价值教育可以从五个方面来加强:要进行系统的价值教育、要抓住核心价值层次和核心价值条目、要注意协调各个价值品质层次之间的关系、要准确定位具体价值的内涵、要适度加强价值理性教育。 The essential objective of the value education is to integrally establish students' value world and to comprehensively elevate students' value quality. The profound transformation of modern society has great impact on traditional core value conceptions, leading to the collapse of the stable core content system of modern school's education value. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the core content system of the value education in modern school. Based on the basic connotation of value, the subject of value in the core content system of modern school's value education should be the person characterized both with sociality and individuality, so the core content system of the value education should be constructed with fo- cus on social harmony and individual well-being and finally a core content system consisting of ultimate ide- al layer, living spirit layer, public life layer and personal life layer should be constructed. Based on this system, we can enhance value education in modern school from five different aspects: to promote systemat- ic value education, to grasp the core value layers and items, to coordinate the relationships of value quality of different layers, to define the connotation of the specific value accurately, and to strengthen value rationality education moderately.
作者 余清臣
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期13-20,共8页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 北京市教育科学"十一五"规划青年专项课题"北京地区中小学生核心价值品质体系及其教育策略研究"(课题编号:CFA10158)阶段性研究成果 教育部长江学者特聘教授资助项目"社会转型时期中小学价值教育理论与实践"研究成果之一
关键词 价值教育内容 学生核心价值品质 社会和谐-人生幸福 content of value education students' core value character social harmony and individual well-being
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